Friday, October 9, 2009

Keeping My Mind Occupied

I was reminded earlier this week just how precious and short life can be. So as I sit here not-so-patiently waiting anymore for a response from the insurance company, and not being able to do really anything else as my uncooperative butt is in waterfall mode, I decided to think of a list of things that I think are awesome right now to keep my mind full of happy things. Here they are:

1. The fact that little munchkin A -- of J and A -- told her mommy last night that she had to call and say "goodnike to Aunt Al." So at about 9:15 I got a call that made my day. Her sweet little voice saying "goodnike" (nike same as like) and telling me all about her new backpack and games for her trip to Hawaii! It was totally Awesome.

2. You know what else is awesome, that fall is here. I HEART fall, it's my favorite season -- sweaters, warm colors, birthdays, Thanksgiving, oh my.

3. As I mentioned in a previous post, J and A are in a new pre-preschool class. It's been my goal from the beginning to have J be a scissor using little man by the end. And I'm proud to say this past Monday, he totally was holding and moving the scissors the right way -- it was Awesome and I couldn't wait to tell his Mommy. Now we just have to work on holding the paper at the right angle to actually cut it;)

4. My mom sending me two packages with clothes and pjs for me to recover in, whenever that happens to be. She sure knows how to cheer a girl up. She's the most awesome mom!

5. Something else that's pretty awesome, I'm going to be an auntie to a cute little girl in March. My bro and his wife are going to be great parents!

6. As always my cute hubby. With all the stress and uncertainty that's a daily presence in our life he still keeps going. He makes me laugh, he loves me and he's just too darn cute.

7. My friends. They keep me going all the time in so many ways and I'm so thankful for the lovely ladies in my life.

8. On Sunday the hubs and I get to be with our god daughter K all day! So fun.

As frustrated as I am and as sick and tired as I am of waiting, sometimes I just have to focus on other things so I don't go completely crazy. Remember that life is so short and to take a breath today and think of one thing that you think is awesome, it just might help you get through a bit more than you thought you could.


Jayne said...

Hang in there, hon. I know insurance companies can suck - but you are really going thru all the channels to get this done. I am praying for you and being optimistic. But I know that waiting sucks.

Summa G said...

everything in perspective! that's my al! day by day, sister. you're almost there! love you! xoxo