Friday, May 13, 2011

It's the Little Things

Lest you think I am the queen of Debbie Downers, I thought I'd let you in on the little things that have been happily dancing around in my head this week. (Oh yes it's been said that this here blog can be a bit of a drag. And although I don't apologize for any of it, because I don't find it negative it's actually just my life, here's a friendly reminder that I'm pretty easily amused.)
  • I went to buy the hubs some hair gel at the beauty supply the other day -- that do doesn't do itself you know. Any who, I had a $5 off coupon but when I got there it was double coupon day. Woo Hoo $10 off, I was so happy and giddy for hours about it.
  • On a similarly surprise coupon thing, I went to get gas at our local grocery store's fill up station the same day as the hair gel score, where club card holders always get $.03 off a gallon. The night before, hubs had filled his car off with the $.10 off discount we had. So when I went, wouldn't you know I was so surprised when I also got $.10 off. We must have wracked up a lot of points. But what does it matter, when gas costs an arm and a leg, $.10 off is a Christmas miracle.
  • Yesterday I heard so many of my "sentimental" songs on the radio of all places, wasn't even playing my I.Pod. It was awesome and I couldn't believe it and I got more and more excited every time I heard one. Then the hubs called and at a different time in the day he heard one of the songs too, how cool is that?
  • My crutches arrived the other day, and although that's not exciting. The color of them is very entertaining. If I have to get around all limpy, I might as well do it in style right, but just in the house ok?
(yes I know this pic is sideways but I'm too lazy to turn it, save it, etc, so just tilt your head to the left.)
  • The little Cutie K is really into seeing my "owie." She says, "See Al, boo boo?" I show her (only if we aren't in public of course), then she gives me a kiss, sometimes on my cheek, leg, arm whatever and then she looks up at me all cute as pie and says, "Al boo boo getting better!" (I told her when she comes over she helps make my boo boos better with all the love she gives.) So you are dying of cute overload right? Yes me too.
  • I walked by our kitchen table (where we have a kiddie seat for the Cutie K) and literally did a double take when I saw this...
This has never happened before, that crazy cat!

Ahh see I'm still laughing/shaking my head over all of these little things. It's when you stop seeing the small things that you know you have a real problem. Happy Weekend.

1 comment:

Mrs.Newton said...

I would say you are pretty positive considering what you have to deal with day in and day out! All of us (especially Cutie K) love you so much! We are determined to make "Al's boo-boo better!"