Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No News Yet

I had the small bowel follow through this morning. It was a fairly easy test, just time consuming -- I was there for three hours. I drank the barium (small form of torture) and then every 15 minutes an Xray was taken.

I did not get any inkling of an outcome while I was there and it say it may not be until tomorrow before I hear anything.

I slept a long time when I got home and plan on trying to sit tight until the information comes in.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your love and support. We feel it, we know you are out there and know you are fighting with us.


Jen Hodson said...

My fingers are crossed for you Al. If you need anything at all just let me know. Love you lots.

sarina said...

fingers crossed, lots of luck xoxo.