Thursday, November 26, 2009


It's a little known fact that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No, not for the food, I'm really not a turkey dinner kind of girl. Don't get me wrong I do love me some cranberries, rolls, mashed potatoes and pie, oh how I love pie! So I guess you could say I'm a Thanksgiving side dish kind of girl;)

But that's not the point, the point is that I love the spirit of this day. To just be with people you love, even if it can't be your family for whatever reason, and remember all of the things we have to be thankful for. Through everything, even on my darkest days when everything seems just too hard to bear, I know how truly blessed and lucky I am for so many things in my life. It's not always easy to do, especially after this wild journey, but it's just my nature to look at things with a positive light. And in this crazy world where people can get so caught up in all that's wrong, I like that there's a day to make us all stop and remember that even the smallest things are blessings.

It would be nearly impossible for me to write everything, big and small, that I'm thankful for but here's a random smattering on this the most Thankful Thursday!

* My wonderful hubby, he's the best I'm not lying
* My mom
* The rest of my awesome family
* Our amazing friends
* The little munchkins J, A, K and the newest addition M that I get to love up on
* Medical technology
* Doctors who truly care
* Reruns of the Gilmore Girls
* My little pillow
* The prospect for an amazing 2010
* Adoption (thankful and a bit scared)
* Hostess products
* Blogging
* My guardian angel dad
* Laughing
* Comfy but cute clothes
* Reconnecting with old friends
* My fighting spirit
* Love

I hope you can take the time in between food comas to find just a few things that you are truly thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy a lovely day.


Mrs.Newton said...

I'm thankfull for Hostess products and comfy, cute clothes as well...and I'm thankful for you!! We love you Al!
P.S. Very cute new background. LOVE!

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how thankful I am to and more importantly how J is thankful that you are in his life. You are such a gift to our family!

We love you and look forward to riding this new journey with you.

melissa said...

i don't know why my post said it was from Brian but it is from me.

Summa G said...

I am thankful for YOU! Now, I just need to see you! :)
2010 is going to be such an AMAZING year for you...I can feel it!
Love you, sister.

César Carballeda said...

I like your blog. It's very nice. I do not speak English, sorry for the translation.
I invite you to see something, I think you'll like it: