Thursday, October 28, 2010

Surgical Brain

My mom and I before this morning's appt, we've got to document this experience.

Day two of the big Cleveland adventure started early this morning with a visit to the colo-rectal surgery department.
First I must say that EVERYONE here has been so nice, friendly and helpful -- maybe I'm jaded from living in selfish, annoyed So Cal, but it's surprising and refreshing to have people be so happy;)

Anyway, we were greeted by a lovely nurse this morning who got us all situated and took all the necessary information. Then the surgical fellow came in (this seems to be the way with the big teaching hospitals) to get the gist of my story and then he returned with Dr. Surgical Brain.

Dr. SB was young, probably late 30s and very to the point, very much a surgeon. Not too much banter with this guy not even a smile, but he was so smart and he knows his stuff and I liked him. He asked great questions and assured me that here at CC they are committed to continuing to train their surgeons on the k-pouch because they know it's becoming a lost art and they know people are nervous that someday there won't be anyone who knows what we are talking about (I was one of those people, so this is a HUGE relief!)

He thinks that there is probably inflammation/infection still hanging out in there and festering since my symptoms are the same minus the drainage. He said it's still soon after surgery and that things are still angry. His preliminary suggestion is that he write a prescription for me to take home for a six week course of IV antibiotics. (Uhhh thank you, have I not been saying this for almost a YEAR?!) He said that these stubborn things take a long and steady course of strong antibiotics. At this point it's too soon for another surgical expolration, which is good news to me.

Dr. SB is going to review my latest CT scan, the one from late July, with their GI radilogist this afternoon. Unfortunately he will be in surgery in the morning and won't be able to be in when Dr. GI Amazing does the scope. You could tell he was a little perturbed by this, but he said to just have Dr. GI page him when we are done, they would talk and come up with a plan for me. I'm really hoping that all happens tomorrow.

My only issue with Dr. SB was that he directed most of his talking to my mom, which bugged me and even though I was piercing him with my eyeballs to make him look at me, he just couldn't do it. Hello I'm not 16. My mother is awesome, but I am an adult and I was the one doing all the talking on our end. Maybe he was uncomfortable with my straight forwardness, who knows. It was actually kind of funny because my mom noticed too. Oh well, that's really minor in the grand scheme right.

We again left there knowing without a doubt. that we are in the right place. That they don't think I'm crazy, they will work to help figure me out and have already given me some good out-of-the-box thinking.

Cleveland continues to Rock for us. Hopefully tomorrow will bring it all together.


Katie said...

Yay Cleveland! Sending you lots of positive, Giants-inspired vibes to the two of you from back home. xoxo

Unknown said...

hey girl - i am a zumba instructor and have emailed your mom quite a bit.. i have crohns and have had more surgeries and issues that half the time i dont know if im coming or going.. lol... i also have been to the cleveland clinic, most mystical and wonderful of all places inthis earth!!!! email me sometime, perhaps we can help each other, ideas from opposite ends of the country -